It's been some time since I've even thought about this page, so I figured I'd post something. Because why not? Coming back, ideas have been floating around my head about where this should go, and I've decided that it will be utilized for a number of things.
Since December I've been streaming on Twitch (primarily retro games with some modern thrown in) and, whether I'm live or not, I typically take numerous screenshots during my playthrough. I also repair and mod retro consoles/games. Sometimes I talk about music, sometimes I talk about goings-on. I'd like to use this as a dump for some of the above, but I'd also very much like to get back into reviewing games, entirely as a hobby, of course, as it always has been.
That aside, what have I been up to lately.. Well, besides the streaming thing, not incredibly much. My wife and I are still taking it easy, keeping out of the way of madness and delving into many interactive worlds. The whole venture as of late has brought us to meet some very fine folk, and perhaps one day I will talk about it. Hell. Maybe someday I'll give the whole rundown of who the shit I am, where I come from, where I've been and what I've seen. Then again, maybe not. That all depends on what I feel like.
And that's precisely why I've decided to start using this again. Because I can talk about (within reason of course) whatever the hell that comes to mind. I feel like that's something I've been missing. So.. For sanity's sake, let's hop to it.
So what comes next? A review? Discussion about something that happened? Random rambling? Who knows. I guess we'll see when that comes. I'd like to try to keep up on this once or twice a week. We'll see what happens.
Until then, be safe and well.
Captured from stream a couple of weeks ago.