Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Hello there. This is The Central Scrutinizer.

It's been a long, though eventful, last few years but I've finally been able to settle down and work on the things I longed to have time to do. One of them was to make this blog, which I'll be utilizing as a form of journal (mostly for fun and scrapbooking) and a haven to discuss gaming at its finest or, sometimes, its ugliest.

On the topic of gaming, I have an interest in a multitude of different forms. This covers both retro and modern, PC and console, a great deal of genres, ROMhacks and fan-translations, and much more. I have also grown into a bit of an RGB snob, with a PVM 14L5 and most of my older consoles SCART-ready all hooked-up. Scanlines for life, baby. Seriously though, you just can't compare the pixel-perfect, vibrant look you get here.

..Unless, of course, you have a NEC XM29 handy. How I long for thee.

 Well, anyway, I think it's time to get some rest before work in the morning. Hope everyone is staying safe out there during these odd times.